Birmingham Declaration

The following declaration was collectively developed by members of the Digital Health Networks during Summer Schools 2023, University Birmingham, and provides the framework of priorities for the Networks for the next five years.
The Digital Health Networks believe that improved use of digital and data is vital to the future success of the NHS and can only be achieved through:
We believe that the Digital Health Networks, an independent grass roots community linking local NHS digital leaders, can play a vital role in supporting the achievement of the digital ambitions of the NHS, by working with national bodies and supporting best practice locally.
The elected representatives of the Networks, after consultation with members at Summer School 2023, commit the Networks to driving change and improvement in three core areas:

Digital Leadership

The Networks believe digital leadership is vital to the future success of the NHS and will work to enhance the leadership skills of our digital leaders, increase the diversity of our leaders, and encourage and support the leaders of the future.

To do this we commit to:


The Networks will work to articulate the views, concerns and challenges of local NHS IT leaders and believe that increased, early engagement between policy makers and front-line leaders will deliver improved outcomes for patients.

To support this, we commit to:


The Networks believe that digitally supported innovation and research is critical to address many of the challenges facing the NHS.

To support NHS organisations and suppliers in the innovation and research areas the networks will:


Three fundamental principles will underpin and inform the work and conduct of the Networks:
Altera Digital Health
CereCore International
Nuance Communications

© Digital Health 2022